Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps

Map making is an ancient art and science, dependent on complex mathematics, cartography, and surveying.

In the early days, specialized cartographers hand-made maps, based on calculations and data available through enormous hard work and labor.

With modern technology, anyone, with only a basic understanding of computers, can make and use customized maps, adding to the world of maps.

Our goal at ZeeMaps is to provide you with the simplest mechanisms to create your own customized maps with minimal effort. We give you options such as crowd-sourcing map data, or directly uploading and synchronizing from spreadsheets. You can use maps created with ZeeMaps in the myriad ways that people have traditionally used maps, or put them to more innovative use with the new technology and all that it entails, e.g., get a visceral sense of location data, convey geographical reach to colleagues, friends, customers, search through a prospects list, and so forth. We provide you with the technology to create maps — what you do with it is up to you.

ZeeMaps is used by tens of thousands of users daily to create thousands of maps.

We are usually not aware of the maps in our world of maps, unless someone notifies us through an email, or a support call. Sometimes a map comes to our attention when it gains prominence in the social web.

In the maps gallery, we’ve pulled together maps that highlight different capabilities of ZeeMaps, or demonstrate use cases that might not be otherwise obvious. This is an ongoing effort. We’ll add more maps to this gallery as we discover interesting samples.

If you’ve made an exciting map, or have seen one, please let us know through the comments and we’ll review it for the gallery.

We are constantly working to improve ZeeMaps to make it more useful and easier to use. If there’s something that you’d like us to add to ZeeMaps, or modify, tell us.


191 thoughts on “Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps”

  1. I had a map with around 50 locations, which had data and locations I cannot recover and it was frozen. I can’t afford to pay for the subscription, so can I please be sent the data from the map? I don’t need the map itself, but instead the location of the pins.

  2. Hello!

    I made a map https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=3996115# around 12/16/2020 but never listed an email for the account when I made it. I wanted to go back and edit some of the pins so I made an account, but lack an admin password due to my earlier blunder before. Is there a way that I could gain ownership of this map once more? I can provide screenshot evidence that it is me who made it for a writing community I am in.

    1. Hi Genet,

      Please create an account using the Sign-Up button on the top right, and let us know the email address (through email to support@zeemaps.com).

      We can then move the map to your account.

  3. Hi,

    Andy here. Is it possible to add price (in dollar figures) to a map regions/boundary? I am trying to find a cost effective solution for my client who needs a map platform to create regional boundaries with pricing attached to each of the regions.

    1. Hi Andy,

      Turns out we don’t have a way of adding a label for regions at this point. May be able to add it in the future.

  4. Hi i have uploaded my locations, and have assigned a colour to each client group. on the list that comes up with each icon no and name of location , is there any why i can add the colour marker beside each item on the list. as i cant seem to find where i can show the legend of the colours easily

    1. Hi Karen,

      Please go to the Map -> Settings menu, and then on the resulting page go to the List View tab. There, un-check the box for “Do not show list as a tree”. Hit Save Changes and go back to the map. Now the list should be categorized by color.

      To add a legend, use the Map -> Legend menu item.

  5. Thank you for your great work!
    But may I ask – is there an option to change the language-layout of the map?
    I am from Austria – and the map shows up in German.
    But I want the map international – so – English would be fine.
    With best regards.

    1. Hi there,

      The language of the map depends on the browser’s language setting. Change the language of the browser setting to English, and see if it shows in English.

      1. Dear @ZeeMaps – thx for the fast reply.
        I have changed the browser’s laguage aswell as the google maps language into Englisch but the map is still shown up in German. I have generated a new map to with the same result. Any idea?
        Btw. this leads me to the next question:
        If I share the interactive map with my friends in US – will they see the map
        in English (because of the browser they are using) or do they see what I see – the German (languaged) map.
        Thx in advance for your help!

        1. Please check with other browsers and see if it helps. If you can send us the link, we can try from here and let you know.

          1. Looks like Google maps is setting the language depending on the country that you are looking at, so it does show Austria’s sites in German. Doesn’t look like there’s a way of change it.

          2. Thank you for all your efforts!
            I run a test with another browser (and Google account) and as you mentioned the map appears in English (followed the invitation interactive link for other people).
            So everything is fine.
            Keep on with your great work;
            best regards, TOSO

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