Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps

Map making is an ancient art and science, dependent on complex mathematics, cartography, and surveying.

In the early days, specialized cartographers hand-made maps, based on calculations and data available through enormous hard work and labor.

With modern technology, anyone, with only a basic understanding of computers, can make and use customized maps, adding to the world of maps.

Our goal at ZeeMaps is to provide you with the simplest mechanisms to create your own customized maps with minimal effort. We give you options such as crowd-sourcing map data, or directly uploading and synchronizing from spreadsheets. You can use maps created with ZeeMaps in the myriad ways that people have traditionally used maps, or put them to more innovative use with the new technology and all that it entails, e.g., get a visceral sense of location data, convey geographical reach to colleagues, friends, customers, search through a prospects list, and so forth. We provide you with the technology to create maps — what you do with it is up to you.

ZeeMaps is used by tens of thousands of users daily to create thousands of maps.

We are usually not aware of the maps in our world of maps, unless someone notifies us through an email, or a support call. Sometimes a map comes to our attention when it gains prominence in the social web.

In the maps gallery, we’ve pulled together maps that highlight different capabilities of ZeeMaps, or demonstrate use cases that might not be otherwise obvious. This is an ongoing effort. We’ll add more maps to this gallery as we discover interesting samples.

If you’ve made an exciting map, or have seen one, please let us know through the comments and we’ll review it for the gallery.

We are constantly working to improve ZeeMaps to make it more useful and easier to use. If there’s something that you’d like us to add to ZeeMaps, or modify, tell us.


191 thoughts on “Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps”

  1. This morning I made an entry and everything was fine, afternoon they called me because the map is blocked ….
    I have not been warned about this, now I will lose all the data entered.
    I’ll have to look for another free service.

    1. Hi Giuseppe,

      Our apologies that this caught you by surprise. Please send us a link to the map and we’ll see if we can temporarily un-freeze it for you.

  2. I guess we didn’t know that our free map for a forum of very ill people supporting each other, would be frozen when it reached a certain amount of views. 🙁

    Is there any discount plan for non profits that offer support to sick people?

    1. Hi JoAnne, can you send us a link to the map (support@zeemaps.com). We are grandfathering some maps based on usage and views. Your map might qualify.

  3. We created a number of maps in 2014 so that group members of different yahoo groups of hobbyist’s could share their locations with each other. This fortunately has led to people realizing that they were in the same area and getting together. One of the maps we created has 265 members on it and all of a sudden with no warning it was frozen.

    As the map owner, there was no indication to us that there was a change in the way the maps would work or that charges were being implemented.

    Now it appears that the maps may be abandoned as these are for hobby based groups, where no one is collecting or charging funds and $200.00 per year is not justifiable.

    1. Hi Walter,

      We sent out an email in March, you probably did not get it. Given that your map is low volume and was created a while back, we are going to grandfather it in so it will no longer have limits on views. Please check back for it to be alive later today.

      1. Walter Townsend

        Map is still frozen. The one that we are having a problem with is the Boxford Lathe Owners Map, but I am sure that the other maps will eventually follow suit. Thanks


        1. Hi Walter,

          Can you double-check the map URL that you are using. I just checked, and the map is working from here.

    2. Gerald Newbrook

      Thank you for re-instating the Boxford Lathe Owners map. I have found several new friends, men who live quite near to me who added their pins. We are a ‘hobby’ group interested in doing metalwork and as most of our number are retired, our hobby keeps us active, both with our hands and, hopefully, our minds too.

  4. Ok guys pat yourselves on the back !! After 100’s of hours inputting my data into the free map, on the 8th April you freeze my map. Effectively leaving me with no option of retrieving my data, other than shelling out $200 per year for a non profit group, with a mere 600 pins placed on the map. 48hrs later and 2 emails you have just ignored my plight. So disappointed with how you have implemented your changes . . Stay well clear !!

    1. Hi David, thanks for the feedback but perhaps you should have looked at your emails first:-) Moments before you posted your comment on this forum, we did send you a note that your map has been grandfathered. As you can imagine, we’ve got quite a few emails to sort through. Thanks for your patience.

      1. Well thank you very much for your swift reply to my post on here, and ultimately resolving my problem. We are very grateful, as I said in my first email ZeeMaps has been a great tool. P.s I did check my emails minutes before making the comment above and did allow 48hrs for you to reply. Thank you once again

  5. WOW.. we hit almost 13,000 pins in our map and growing.. and zeemaps decides to lock us out in order to extort large amounts of money from us on monthly fees.. total ripoff.. what was free is now going to cost us about 2 grand a year.. and they haven’t responded to our enquiries,,looking at other options now.. zeemaps is no longer worth it.. look elsewhere.

    1. Hi Jerry, thank you for being a loyal ZeeMaps user.

      As we mention in our recent blog post, since we pay our service providers for each map visit, and with the large number of maps that we are now serving, it is impossible for us to keep providing the service for no charge. Our Professional Plan costs $19.95 per month or $199.95 a year. So, the cost of maintaining a map with ZeeMaps is not 2 grand, but $199.95 per year.

      Also, for special needs (medical, charity, etc.) with low visit volumes we are “grandfathering” maps.

    1. Hi Pam,

      You can go to the map on ZeeMaps server and then use the Map -> Claim Ownership menu item to claim the map to your account.

      In case you need help, please send an email to support@zeemaps.com and we can move the map to your account.

  6. I need you to create a map of the significant events developments and issues of Canada and also the political and territorial expansions of Canada from 1867 -1999 Please and could you send it completed to me by Friday or if not next Monday.

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