Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps

Map making is an ancient art and science, dependent on complex mathematics, cartography, and surveying.

In the early days, specialized cartographers hand-made maps, based on calculations and data available through enormous hard work and labor.

With modern technology, anyone, with only a basic understanding of computers, can make and use customized maps, adding to the world of maps.

Our goal at ZeeMaps is to provide you with the simplest mechanisms to create your own customized maps with minimal effort. We give you options such as crowd-sourcing map data, or directly uploading and synchronizing from spreadsheets. You can use maps created with ZeeMaps in the myriad ways that people have traditionally used maps, or put them to more innovative use with the new technology and all that it entails, e.g., get a visceral sense of location data, convey geographical reach to colleagues, friends, customers, search through a prospects list, and so forth. We provide you with the technology to create maps — what you do with it is up to you.

ZeeMaps is used by tens of thousands of users daily to create thousands of maps.

We are usually not aware of the maps in our world of maps, unless someone notifies us through an email, or a support call. Sometimes a map comes to our attention when it gains prominence in the social web.

In the maps gallery, we’ve pulled together maps that highlight different capabilities of ZeeMaps, or demonstrate use cases that might not be otherwise obvious. This is an ongoing effort. We’ll add more maps to this gallery as we discover interesting samples.

If you’ve made an exciting map, or have seen one, please let us know through the comments and we’ll review it for the gallery.

We are constantly working to improve ZeeMaps to make it more useful and easier to use. If there’s something that you’d like us to add to ZeeMaps, or modify, tell us.


191 thoughts on “Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps”

    1. Hi Jack,

      Please click on the “Create a Map” button on the top right of this page, or go to the ZeeMaps main page (www.zeemaps.com) and click on the Create a Map button.

    1. You can select the map row, by clicking on the row somewhere other than the map name. Then, use the Map Operations menu above and the sub-menu Delete.

      Since we limit the number of maps for the Basic plan, map deletion requires a non-Basic plan.

      In case you want us to delete a map for you, please send an email to support from the account email.

    1. Hi Kory,

      If you are not seeing a map when you create a map, then something is not working correctly for you.

      Please try another browser, and if that doesn’t work give us a call at +1 408 914-2955 or contact us at support@zeemaps.com and we can work with you to fix the issue.

  1. Thank you so much for this amazing mapping program!

    I created a zeemap, where in some cases, up to three markers have the same address.

    The best window pops up with some markers, where it shows how many markers are at that same location and has arrows to the next one.
    However in the same circumstance, some markers when the window pops up don’t have that same numbering & arrow option? What happens instead in this case is the marker changes it’s number to the next one at that same address.

    Looked through the options and your site and couldn’t find anything regarding this…. a glitch in the matrix?

    Thank you kindly for your time-

    1. Hi Nikki,

      The multi-window only shows if the markers are exactly on top of each other. If they are even slightly apart, then the second behavior will happen where the one previously hidden will become more prominent after you see the top one.

  2. The name of our map changed to ‘blauw’. I don’t know how that could happen. The name was: ‘Sasolburgers all over the world’. Can anyone change the name? And how do I change it back to the original name please?

    1. Hi Margo, I’ve changed the name. You can also change it by clicking on the name while accessing the map as Admin.

  3. I thought I could just do a map of just Michigan so it would center only on the state and big much bigger to tag people.I don’t want the whole USA because it makes Michigan too small. Any help?

  4. I would like to be able to highlight the path or the project limits of our construction projects. Is this possible? I haven’t been able to figure it out. Ideally I’d like to click on the marker and it highlight the project limits.

    1. Try the Highlight Regions to highlight a “polygon” or a “freehand” region using the Additions -> Highlight Regions menu item. The highlighted regions always show, so perhaps you can use different colors to associate them with different pins.

  5. I use the maps to pinpoint the location of our construction projects so I can see them at once. It would be helpful to see the county lines when I zoom in or out. I clicked the box in settings but still don’t see them. The county lines would be very helpful.

    1. Hi, You can use our Highlighting Regions feature to highlight the counties (without fill) and that will show just the boundaries. To highlight counties, use the menu item Additions -> Highlight Regions -> Counties on your map.

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