Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps

Map making is an ancient art and science, dependent on complex mathematics, cartography, and surveying.

In the early days, specialized cartographers hand-made maps, based on calculations and data available through enormous hard work and labor.

With modern technology, anyone, with only a basic understanding of computers, can make and use customized maps, adding to the world of maps.

Our goal at ZeeMaps is to provide you with the simplest mechanisms to create your own customized maps with minimal effort. We give you options such as crowd-sourcing map data, or directly uploading and synchronizing from spreadsheets. You can use maps created with ZeeMaps in the myriad ways that people have traditionally used maps, or put them to more innovative use with the new technology and all that it entails, e.g., get a visceral sense of location data, convey geographical reach to colleagues, friends, customers, search through a prospects list, and so forth. We provide you with the technology to create maps — what you do with it is up to you.

ZeeMaps is used by tens of thousands of users daily to create thousands of maps.

We are usually not aware of the maps in our world of maps, unless someone notifies us through an email, or a support call. Sometimes a map comes to our attention when it gains prominence in the social web.

In the maps gallery, we’ve pulled together maps that highlight different capabilities of ZeeMaps, or demonstrate use cases that might not be otherwise obvious. This is an ongoing effort. We’ll add more maps to this gallery as we discover interesting samples.

If you’ve made an exciting map, or have seen one, please let us know through the comments and we’ll review it for the gallery.

We are constantly working to improve ZeeMaps to make it more useful and easier to use. If there’s something that you’d like us to add to ZeeMaps, or modify, tell us.


191 thoughts on “Welcome to the ZeeMaps World of Maps”

  1. Hi there i wana create a map of armenian republic that includs directions of the roads and main touristic plces but im mixed up and dont know how to do that , could u pleas help me to figure it out

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    The labels depend on the size of the image that you order. In case the labels do not show in the selected size, try a bigger size using the Custom size option. (You can always print it at a smaller size).

    Give us a call at (408) 914-2955 and we can work with you to get the appropriate image.


  3. I am trying to get the pdf of my map. I would like the world map but when i choose that option it does not label the countries. I want a poster size(24 x 36) as i will be sending the image to a graphics company so they can print me a poster. Can you please let me know if I can do that in the normal options or if i have to speak to someone?

  4. Hi Guys … I have a map with 59 people on there of the Biofeedback Therapy practitioners worldwide … there are many more to add and this will take us over the 100 pins on the map.
    I got your email about 100 being the limit and not sure if I misunderstand … then on your Pricing it says Unlimited … but uploads are limited to 100.

    What are UPLOADS ??? vs Pins

    1. Hi Chistine,

      The limit of 100 only applies if you are adding locations through spreadsheet uploads. If you are adding locations one-by-one, using the Additions -> Add Marker (Simple or Detailed), then the limits do not apply and you can have unlimited pins on the map.


      1. i dont think that is true as i only have 15 pins and now my map is froze because it was visited over 100 times… NOT pinned or marked… Im on Social security I cant afford 100 bucks a month for a map.. or 995.99 a year.. omgawd… this map WAS going to be very helpful for me on disability… now… its FROZE i cant even see it.. “confused”

  5. Hi Patricia,

    Use the Print or Share menu and then either the Share Link/URLs or the Publish in website sub-menus to get URLs for sharing the map. Send us mail at support at zeemaps dot com for more details.

  6. I just wanted to ask this question :Once someone creates a map with “zeemaps”,then how do they share it,or post it to facebook,or a website ?I’m not very computer smart !
    Many Thanks !!!

  7. Hi there,

    ZeeMaps is a fantastic service in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to show where all participants live and study.

    I’m the instructor of the iversity MOOC “Web Engineering”: https://iversity.org/courses We have about 15,000 students.

    The map https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=721124 is very representative as 1.000 have dropped a pin to signal for all others that they are looking for classmates to form a local study group.

    Many thanks for this service!

  8. Further to our original post back in June, Help From Home, http://helpfromhome.org/ has added more Zeemaps to it’s website, because we think it’s a great tool to use. They’re listed below:

    – Do Good cards: enables people to start a chain reaction of microvolunteering actions around the globe, where they can track what impact they’ve made and how far their Do-Good card has travelled

    – Micro Skills Match: enables people to offer microvolunteering skills to worthy causes, by location http://helpfromhome.org/our-projects/micro-skills-match/skills-offered and also for nonprofits to request microvolunteering skills needed, by location http://helpfromhome.org/our-projects/micro-skills-match/skills-needed

        1. Hi Mary,

          Are you looking for the map, or the group on Facebook?

          If the map, then go to the ZeeMaps home page and try the search at the bottom left of the page.

          For Facebook, please search on Facebook.

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