FOR SPAIN AND FRANCE CITIZENS - SAUDI Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Official Visa Online - Saudi Visa Online Application - Saudi Arabiako Aplikazio Zentro Ofiziala
Saudi Arabia eVisa Visa Elektronikoaren onespen mota berri bat da, Saudi Arabiako Erresuman sartzeko modurik errazena. Saudi Arabiarako eVisa bisa elektronikoa da, berrogeita hamar herrialde inguruko egoiliarrek Umrah, Negozioak, Oporrak, Bisitak, Bidaiak eta Saudi Arabia esploratzeko aukera ematen diena. Saudi Arabia bisitatzeko Visa onarpena lortzeko metodorik azkarrena, errazena, errazena eta zuzenena da. Funtsean, egin behar duzun guztia da webgunean Saudi Visa Eskaera oso laburra betetzea eta zure Saudi Arabiako eVisa posta elektronikoz jasotzea 24-48 orduko epean. Saudi Arabiako Bisitari edo Negozioen eVisa Saudi Arabiako Gobernuak onartu zuen 2019an, herrialde garatuei Saudi Arabiako Erresuma bisitatzea errazteko. Ez dira gomendatzen Saudi Visa-ren metodo zaharragoak, hala nola enbaxada bisitatzea edo pasaportean zigilu fisikoa jasotzea. Saudi Arabiako lineako bisa Visa mota desberdina da zure erosotasunerako. Lineako formulario bat bete eta aurpegiko argazkia igo besterik ez duzu egin behar. Gainera, Saudi Arabiarako Visa elektroniko mota honek bisita bakoitzeko 90 eguneko sarrera anitzeko balio du. eVisa urtebeterako balio du. Horrek esan nahi du behin baino gehiagotan sar zaitezkeela Saudi Arabian. Saudi Arabiarako Visa edo eVisa elektroniko honek 90 eguneko egonaldia ahalbidetzen du herrialdean sartzen den bakoitzean. Saudi Visa Online urtebeteko indarraldia da jaulkitze-datatik aurrera. Saudi Arabiako lineako bisatu elektronikoa eskatzen duten pertsonei Derrigorrezko Aseguru hitzarmena ere ematen zaie, eVisa-ri ere lotuta dagoena, Saudi Arabiako Erresumara bidaia egiteko ezinbesteko baldintza dena. Saudi Arabiako Bisitariak bere Saudi eVisa erabil dezake Saudi Arabian sartzeko edozein itsas-portu, aire-terminal eta lurreko portu batzuetatik, hau da, Saudi eVisa Online-k Aire, Ur eta Lehorreko garraio metodoetarako balio du. Bidaiariaren eVisa-k bidaia-industriari lotutako ariketetan parte hartzeko aukera ematen dizu, hala nola, dibertsioak, oporrak, lagunen bilera, negozio bilera, kontratazioa, erosketa, merkataritza, salmenta, jabetza erostea, senideen eta senideen bisitak eta Umrah. Herrialde hauek Saudi Visa Online aplikatzeko baimena dute, Maldivek, Eslovakia, Ukraina, Grezia, Kanada, Portugal, Australia, Kazakhstan, Irlanda, Lituania, Kroazia, Tadjikistan, Estatu Batuak, Korea, Hegoaldea, Malta, Panama, Zipre, Islandia, Zeelanda Berria, Japonia, Montenegro, Seychelles, Espainia, Uzbekistan, Hungaria, Errusiar Federazioa, Alemania, Eslovenia, Norvegia, Italia, Herbehereak, San Marino, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Albania, Malaysia, Saint Kitts eta Nevis, Estonia, Suitza, Monako, Erresuma Batua, Belgika, Singapur, Txekiar Errepublika, Finlandia, Luxenburgo, Andorra, Letonia, Polonia, Brunei, Austria, Turkia, Frantzia, Georgia, Kirgizistan, Suedia, Danimarka, Errumania, Hegoafrika, Liechtenstein, Thailandia eta Mauricio. Saudi Arabia eVisa is a new type of Electronic Visa approval that is the simplest way to gain entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. eVisa for Saudi Arabia is an electronic visa which permits residents of around fifty countries to do Umrah, Business, Vacation, Sightseeing, Travel, and explore Saudi Arabia. It is the fastest, easiest, simplest and the most straightforward method for getting Visa approval to visit Saudi Arabia. Basically all you need to do is to fill out a very short Saudi Visa Application Online on the website and receive your Saudi Arabia eVisa by email within 24-48 hours. The Visitor or Business eVisa for Saudi Arabia was endorsed by the Saudi Arabia Government in 2019 to make it easy for the developed countries to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Older methods of Saudi Visa are not recommended, such as visiting embassy or getting physical stamp on your passport. The Saudi Arabia online visa is a different type of Visa for your convenience. You have to just fill a form online and upload your face photo. Also, this type of electronic Visa for Saudi Arabia is valid for multiple entries of up to 90 days per visit. The eVisa is valid for one year. This implies you can enter more than once into Saudi Arabia. This electronic Visa or eVisa for Saudi Arabia permits a stay of 90 days with every entry to the country. The Saudi Visa Online is valid for one year from the date of issue. The people who apply for the Saudi Arabia electronic online visa are also given a Compulsory Insurance agreement whic is also connected to the eVisa, which is a necessary prerequisite to make a trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Visitor to Saudi Arabia can utilize their Saudi eVisa to enter Saudi Arabia through any of its seaports, air terminals, and some land ports, in other words the Saudi eVisa Online is valid for Air, Water and Land methods of transport. The traveler eVisa permits you to take part in the travel industry related exercises like amusement, holidays, meeting friends, business meeting, recruitment, purchase, trade, sale, buying property, meeting family and family members visits, and Umrah. The following countries are allowed to apply Saudi Visa Online , Maldives, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, Canada, Portugal, Australia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Lithuania, Croatia, Tajikistan, United States, Korea, South, Malta, Panama, Cyprus, Iceland, New Zealand, Japan, Montenegro, Seychelles, Spain, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Russian Federation, Germany, Slovenia, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, San Marino, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Albania, Malaysia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Estonia, Switzerland, Monaco, United Kingdom, Belgium, Singapore, Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Andorra, Latvia, Poland, Brunei, Austria, Turkey, France, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Sweden, Denmark, Romania, South Africa, Liechtenstein, Thailand, and Mauritius.
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